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Grilled bananas with cinnamon and chocolate

Grilled bananas with cinnamon and chocolate

This tasty grilled fruit will remind you of an ice cream sundae, but is a much healthier version. These are delicious as is. Or amp them up with a dollop of whipped cream or a small scoop of light vanilla ice cream. If you don’t have a grill or grill pan, you can make these under your broiler or in a toaster oven. Before grilling the bananas, make sure that your grates are well greased so that the bananas don’t stick to the grates. We left the peels on the bananas so that they would hold up better on the grill. You could also grill the strawberries, if desired.



8 medium, unpeeled

ground cinnamon

2 tsp

60-69% dark chocolate

2 oz, finely chopped (about 7 ½ Tbsp)

table salt

1 tsp, flaky variety (such as Maldon)


16 medium, hulled and sliced


  1. Prepare your grill for medium-high heat (or heat a large grill pan set over a couple of burners); make sure your grates are super-clean.
  2. Keeping peels on bananas, slice each one lengthwise just enough to open them (be careful not to slice them all the way through). Sprinkle cinnamon over cut sides of bananas; evenly divide chocolate over top.
  3. Place bananas, peel side-down, on grill; cover and cook just until chocolate melts, about 3 minutes. Transfer bananas to serving plates and sprinkle with a tiny bit salt; scatter strawberries over top and serve immediately while chocolate is still warm.
  4. Serving size: 1 banana
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