200g Plain Fat Free Cottage Cheese
4 Eggs
1 200g Tin Of Lean Ham
80g Mature Low Fat Light Cheddar Cheese (2 x HEX A or 12 Syns)
1/2 An Onion
200g Broccoli Stalks
3 Tsp Tinned Sweetcorn
Salt & Pepper
Frylight or Similar
- Preheat oven to 180c/Gas Mark 4/170c Fan Assisted
- Spritz dish with a little Frylight to avoid sticking.
- Chop the broccoli into tiny sections and add to the dish.
- Finely dice the onion and add to the dish.
- Slice the ham into thin chunks and add to the dish.
- Add the sweet corn and then place into the oven for 3 to 4 minutes.
- Meanwhile add the cottage cheese, eggs and 30g of the cheese grated to a blender. Season with Salt & Pepper and then blend until completely smooth.
- Remove the dish from the oven and top with the remaining cheese grated.
- Pour over the cottage cheese/egg mixture ensuring everything is covered.
- Place into the oven for 40 – 45 Minutes checking regularly.
- Peirce with a sharp knife and push down onto the mixture.. if any liquid comes out if needs further time in the oven.
- Allow to cool for 10 – 20 minutes before devouring.
SYNS: ZERO (or 12 Syns for whole Quiche if not using Healthy Extra)