No-Bake Kinder Cheesecake Ingredients
For the base
350 g digestive biscuits
180 g unsalted melted butter
For whipped cream
200 g kinder chocolate
500 ml double cream
500 g cream cheese
120 g icing sugar
For topping
200 g kinder chocolate
120 ml double cream
Start with the base:
We will prepare the most ideal base for cheesecake. For this, grind the biscuit almost into flour in the food processor. Take the biscuits in a bowl and pour the melted butter on it. Mix until combined. Pour into an 8 inch tin by pressing down firmly.
Continue with whipped cream:
We will add kinder chocolate with its legendary flavor into the cream. For this, we crush the chocolates into small pieces. Then microwave kinder chocolates in 30 second bursts until melted. Set aside to cool. Pour double cream into a bowl and whisk to stiff peaks.
Take cream cheese into a bowl. Pour icing sugar on it and whisk until combined. Here, we make the cream a little more dense by adding icing sugar.
Pour in melted Kinder chocolate and whisk until combined. Fold in ¾ of your whipped cream. Pour onto your base and smooth it out. Refrigerate overnight.
Don’t forget to decorate with Kinder sauce!
Put kinder chocolate and double cream into a bowl. Microwave in 30 second bursts until melted. Stir gently and allow to cool. Pour over cheesecake. Pipe on remaining whipped cream and place on kinder pieces. Refrigerate 1-2 hours.