Weight Watchers Mini berry cheesecakes

Weight Watchers Mini berry cheesecakes

Cheesecake is probably one of my all-time favorite desserts. It always has been and probably always will be. This is very delicius <3

Total Time

35 min


15 min


20 min





Low fat soft cheese is the secret in these yummy fruity cheesecakes.


Sponge Finger

6 finger, boudoir biscuits

Egg, whole, raw

2 medium, raw

Low Fat Soft Cheese

200 g

Vanilla Extract

1 teaspoons, level

0% fat natural Greek yogurt

100 g


1 medium, finely grated zest of

Caster Sugar

30 g, 100g mixed fresh berries


  1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/fan oven 160°. Put 6 silicone or paper bun cases into a bun tin.
  2. Break the sponge fingers into pieces and put them in a bowl. Add 4 tablespoons of hot water and use a fork to mash them, then beat in 1 egg white. Share between the bun cases, flattening the mixture over the bases. Bake for 10 minutes whilst preparing the filling.
  3. Beat the remaining egg yolk with the whole egg, then whisk in the soft cheese, vanilla extract, yogurt, lemon zest and sugar. Share this cheesecake mixture between the bun cases, then spoon the fruit on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until set. Cool before serving.
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